Tag Archives: gemstone energy


Warrior Stone  by WETCLOUD

Moss Agate: The Warrior Stone

My Spiritual Warrior Stone: Moss Agate

Warrior Stone , a photo by WETCLOUD on Flickr.

Are You Obsessing?

Obsessed with a particular behavior?   Is It Healthy?  Why are You Attracted?   Why the interest Now?  These are questions you are asking about something that has caught your attention.


It is about the time and the times of your life. Stages are like doors they open we go through with some trepidations but we go through the doorway. On the other side we discover new things and we busy ourselves liking them or not.

Moss Agate: Warrior Stone

Carry It With You

My Medicine Bag

This is a Medicine bag with a Moss Agate. I call it my Warrior Stone.  When faced with a new project or a sadness in life I gather my bag and look for this stone.  It reminds me when I wear it or hold it in my hand to

Look for the Mystery and Find the Adventure

This bag is under $10 the Moss Agate Gemstone Pendant is Niobium wrapped with a Big Bale to fit over most clasps and is available at my ETSY Web Store.   If You want to Own This check out my web store –>X<—Click Here  If It isn’t there check Here–>X<–this is my Facebook Timeline (I’m liking it there) and comment on any ‘ol thing I posted and Let’s Talk  

Thanks 4 Being Here 🙂


A Pure Crystal Teardrop

Love Crystal Gemstone Pendant

AAA Rock Crystal Quartz Pendant
Love Crystal Pendant

AAA Brazilian Rock Crystal * 18mm Teardrop * Wire Wrapped Big Bale made with gold filled wire. Chain is Gold Fill Clasp is vermeil Lobster (or artisan hook) Dramatic statement with a powerful gemstone. Easily Programmable Quartz Intentional Gemstone Jewelry 🙂

AAA Brazilian Rock Crystal Pendant

Intentional Programmable Gemstone

What is Intentional Jewelry?

and how do you clear and program gemstones?

  1. I mostly refer to an intentional gemstone as a high quality crystal that can be cleared * gazed * imprinted with your wish/hope/desire.
  2. The recipe is :  Get the gemstone that attracts you.
  3. Clear it by holding it under running water then pat dry with a soft cloth.   Put it in the moonlight overnight if the moon is bright in the earth for three days for a darkness bath or the sunlight for a sunshine bath for however long you feel ‘right’ about taking the gemstone in hand again 🙂
  4. When you have some uninterrupted time take the gemstone up and gaze at it looking at all the side and feeling it in your hands.  Do this until you feel the gemstone and you connecting.  It will take as long as it takes.
  5. As the link with your crystal is taking place – talk to the stone.  In your normal conversational voice ask it to help carry out …fill in the blank.

Depending on the gemstone it will echo, send, and/or broadcast this want/hope/desire.

AAA Brazilian Crystal Pendant

Intentional Programmable Crystal Pendant

 There is a lot to connecting with a stone.   You can do it if you want but you can just wear the gem because it is beautiful and you like it.  It is the same thing.  Meaning sooner or later the gem will connect with you and it will broadcast whatever but there is a way to direct your thoughts too 🙂

  A Real Gem Is and it is lovely and in some mysterious way we feel something when we look at them.

This pendant is gone to its partner and I can make another for you.  I invite you to connect with  me on –> Facebook <–  or go directly to my ETSY shop and Buy A Gemstone Artisan Designed piece of Jewelry –>X<–

Thanks for being here



The sun burst through

a slit in the shade and lit up the Herkimer Diamond at the top of the Gemstone Stack.

Programing Gemstone Energy Amethyst & Herkimer Diamond

Gemstone Energizing Gemstone

I thought it startling and I was riveted to the shimmering outside shape of the Herkimer Diamond sitting on top of My Amethyst.  I felt a meshing and then a falling sensation as I closed my eyes and saw the Gemstones aura dance behind my eyelids.  A slash of bright yellow formed like a rind on the whiteness then a flame of red leaping  the glowing Gemstone Stack.

Moon Meditation Silver Rays of the Cosmic Current

Moon Meditation Silver Rays of the Cosmic Current

It seemed as if I was looking at the full moon.  I had received my Larimar 12 days ago and this would be my first full moon since she came.

Clearing Gemstones Before Programming Them

Larimar & Herkimer Diamonds sunbathe After ORMUS Shower

I felt her coming for 5 decades.  Seems a long time to wait for her to find me, or did I finally say yes to the tug of my destiny?  It all started when I was twelve.  That year when all things changed.  I was in great turmoil and crisis heaved in all directions.  I was lost.  My mother lost contact with me near my eleventh birthday as we lived in different houses.  I with my Grandma & Dad and she with her new family and my older sister.   I was forced to live with her part of the year when my Father went to Florida.  When I stayed with my Mother I stayed in my room.  Torn between two families I decided to belong to no tribe I would be loyal only to myself and my side kick sister, Bonnie Joy.

Darkness Is Where the Truth Is

We shared a bedroom until I turned 12.   My mother communicated by opening my bedroom door and throwing a book on my hospital cornered bed.   This time it was the  Sleeping Prophet by Edgar Casey.  I don’t believe in coincidence now but I thought it was an unusual subject.  It was that time of swirling hormones, divorce, abandonment, and sorrow that I first learned of a blue stone that would be found in the Caribbean that would issue healing to the World from Heaven.  

Intentional Gemstone Programming Larimar

The Universal Umbilical Cord

I read those words written forty years after the author had passed on yet it seemed someone spoke the words to me as I read them on the page.  I answered a loud and said, ” I want one of those stones“.  My curiosity compelled me to finish that book and everything else I could find to read about Edgar Casey.  Threw the years of Gemstone Attraction I found out the name of the Gemstone I was looking for.  You see, the Gemstone is Larimar,  a gift of a Gemstone the color of the Caribbean Sea.  A Fabled Link to the Fabled Land Of Atlantis.

Rustic Modern Gemstone Bracelet by looksgoodonya

Gemstones of the Earth & Sea

Larimar  vibrates at an earthly, low vibration until it is joined to its soul mate where they link their awareness and the Larimar will then vibrate to the Master Number 55.  The two become one intention and the human gains insight on how to heal oneself.

Larimar Gemstone Programming by looksgoodonya

After Linking This Stone Works with You

To just say it is a rock albeit an expensive rock, still, a rock would be fair enough but it wouldn’t close the conversation.  Is it to heal your whole body, yes, and beyond.  Can a gemstone really do this?

only if you have the faith of a trembling 12-year-old school girl.


Thanks for being here and if you would like to visit my Web Store looksgoodonya.etsy.com  If you want to see another blog post where I talk about Larimar or Gemstone Energy just click the word and zoom…

Please do.  You may find a Gemstone that is calling you


Weddings Pearls Rose Quartz & Sterling Silver

A Wedding Bracelet of Rose Quartz, Pearls, Silver & Leather

A Wedding Bracelet

She is getting married in a barn.  OK.  Works for me.  Country Folk don’t need me to defend their taste.  She wanted Seven pieces of Jewelry for her Bridesmaids .   She asked for Timeless Jewelry in a Rustic Modern Style.  A piece of Jewelry that would link all the girls together in a great emotion while revealing the secret truth about each personality like the unfolding of a flower.  OK, I ‘m there.  The Order is real.   Over $700 so I must get to work.  My first thought, Pearls.

We Emanate Energy

The Silver-White Ray of the Moon 

There is an invisible emanation that we release from ourselves, capable of perception, that touches everything we come in contact with. We come in contact to the Moon every 24 hours.   The Moon transmits a similar energy toward the cosmos that we are a part of.  We bath-in this silver-white ray of light.  We feel this ray in the pit of our stomach, a gut reaction, we turn to look at the Moon.     We can’t help but look at the Moon.  It is so fascinating in all its phases.

Gazing At The Full Moon

 We write Poetry to it.  We catch ourselves gazing at the full moon like a lover.  This Moon Energy is beauty shared with our lovers.  Feeling sexy yet?

Argentium Sterling Silver Birds Nest & Pearls

 This is where the Gemstone Pearl comes in.  The message we send to the universe (and to those in our wedding party) is that we hear the tolling of the bell of this cosmic moment and we share our love freely with those we love.  Oh!  To be young and in love with a white dress and a simple strand of pearls.  A Cultured Natural, Organic Gemstone called, Pearl,  Amplifies a  Message of Love.   

Cosmic Spiral With Pearl

Love directed by the Silver-White Moon Ray is symbolized by the white horse, unicorn , or bull spoken of throughout written history.   Like the Moon, it influences our emotions, speaking to us with the voice of our mother, we sense love from a place that is sensitive, vulnerable, open in mind-body and spirit.  A Pearl represents to the Male side of us the picture of the perfect mate.  The highest calling of union to spirit symbolized and cemented with the coupling of physical bodies.

Rustic Modern Leather, Pearl and Sapphire Crystals Bracelet

  Other Gemstones that resonate this energy are Rose Quartz,  Opal, and Agate (Chalcedony).  Just to let you know, I finished all my jewelry pieces including an anklet for the bride.  The wedding did take place in a barn on the island of Maui.  I saw pictures of the wedding.  Sublime.  Rustic Modern means living to the fullest and loving the handmade over the mass-produced.  I love the project and I love-making my gemstone Energy Jewelry.

Thanks for being here

Visit my web Store where you will find a gemstone calling to you.  looksgoodonya.etsy.com










I Play The Didgeridoo

Where There's Smoke

Weather permitting we build campfires.  We love to play, sing, and laugh around the camp fire.  My sister, BJoy, has been pursuing the oddities in life for at least 20 years.  She has seen and photographed ORBs for years and now I see them too.  She is editing a film about ORMUS, ORBs, Gemstones and Music.  Love her scope.  My interest is gemstones but the ORBs showed up soon after the didgeridoo sounded that note.

I play the Didgeridoo

Do You Do The didgeridoo?

I played a note and BJ caught a photo of it.  The musical note became a storm of swirling Orbs.  They appeared as snow or as if we were in a soup of ORBs.  We were overcome and the only light was fire light.  BJ has a new single,  Do You Do the Didgeridoo?,   I play the didgeridoo.  She says there is a flip side called, Didgeri Funk.  Can’t wait to hear it.  I have bullied her into putting a Web Store on ETSY.

inspiration Angel


She has unique handmade  wonderful Inspiration Angels for sale.  Love those Angels!  BJoy went to the Northern most part of Georgia to explore the making and distribution of ORMUS where she met some fabulous people.  Some Geeky Smarts and Scientist-y types.  That’s where she met Lady Lark who says she talks to rocks.  Ahhh.  A kindred soul.

ORMUS Convention Enota Georgia Lady Lark and Giant Crystals

Lady Lark Guards the Crystals

Lady Lark is an expert in the crystal and gemstone energy flow.  BJoy snapped this picture of a Bloodstone Necklace that was hand-mined, carved, made into a necklace and given to Lady Lark by a friend from New Zealand.  Her Bloodstone is going to be a great help to her and she feels a ray of Healing Energy.

Lady Lark Wears Power Jewelry

I have seen pictures of the mammoth Crystals she keeps at the hill-top house called Birds Nest.  The clear crystal shafts emanate a white energy ray that enters the body from all points at once.

These Crystals awaken the Cosmic Consciousness and Lady

Lark is as lively as the crystals she keeps.  Her right wrist is clad in an Artisan Made Hand Forged & Stamped Copper Bracelet.  Her Left wrist bracelet, made by BJ, of  Hand Mined Oregon Sunstones and Carnelian Gemstone Chips.

Larimar Power Gemstone

I love to surf the web stores that sell minerals and gemstones.  What a luxury to shop from your comfy chair.  The pictures are very important but I have bought stones that are decidedly ugly but still have a powerful pull.    The Stone that is coming is a powerful stone.  A Caribbean Gemstone called Larimar.

Are You interested in Gemstones.   Do you see ORBs in the night?   What in the You-Niverse is going on?  Let’s talk about it.

This Larimar Gemstone is available on ETSY in this wonderful store here.  LarimarAndSilver.etsy.com

Here is the link to my Web Store on ETSY   looksgoodonya.etsy.com  where I’m sure you will find a Power Gemstone Bracelet that is calling to you.

Thank you for being here

ORB Soup

Just sitting Around The Campfire




I was given a book.  To hold it in my hands was magic.

Floating Rocks

 Michael was studying calligraphy.  Feeling the weight the title held my eye.   I am Intrigued.  I slipped the book from its creamy portfolio case wondering if I had washed my hands lately.  A Japanese Scrapbook with toggle clasps.  Remembering to be gracious to the presenter of this perfect prize, I kissed his cheek and slid  away to a comfy chair.  I turned the first page.

Original Watercolor by kkiser 2011

You Have Time To Get It Done

Words hardly ever embrace the unseen.  Printed on a translucent, parchment-like sheen in subtle shades of gray black ink.  I fell in Love with Kanji.

Tetsuzan Shinagawa is a contemporary Author and calligrapher.  Each page of Nothingness:  Talk To A Stonehas beautiful Graphics and Ancient Buddhist Poems.  One of these poems struck, as I read, a note.  A vibration from  an Anonymouns 12th Century Poet.   Oneness enveloped me.  I felt connected to a spirit in a poem as if there were no time.

Original Watercolor kkiser 2011

Vibrations In The Key of Time

Every Day I want To Walk With God, Brightly, Fearlessly, As the Morning Sun

I felt as giddy as a two-year old on a sugar high.  The dots connect.  A fuzzing of the edges as I float between dreaming and sunlight.  I am fully awake.  Making a comfortable connection to my Poet I write to him on my time line.

Speaking to the Soul Offering a Lively Gift to the Spirit that Loves Life

He will see my echo.  Writing poetry and painting pictures to a dead poet is like writing a message in sand.  Might be a Silly waste of Time.   This is my gift.  Mine to unwrap, to use, to choose.  What I do with it is a private matter between me and my Luvahhh.  What you do in time brings meaning to time.  It is electric and comes from energy that is known but not translatable.  Like Japanese to English.  Somethings are missing.  That is the Art.

Return My Heart

Stones hold thoughts.  Poems carry Spirit.  Music drives them home.  In my life I will collect moments.  String them together like a necklace of pearls.  Love until I drift toward sleep.  I am laughing like I have all my teeth.  This time around is like a soak in a hot springs stumbled on during a hike through a rain forest.   I rest in the warm bubbly jacuzzi of me-ness.  Ahh!  I’ll stay till my fingers turn white and wrinkly.

Do you want to see my Handmade Rustic Modern Gemstone Jewelry Designs?

Visit my web store at looksgoodonya.etsy.com

Thanks for being here


Gemstones Affect Your Moods

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Rustic Modern Design Hypoallergenic Gemstone earrings are available from looksgoodonya.etsy.com. I have listed a few new pieces that speak to the need to protect yourself but also the need to have gemstones that add the power to send and receive energy from the people you protect and love.  To start the conversation about gemstone energy I want to talk about Marcel Vogel, www.vogelcrystals.net .  Griselda Tello, awesomeart.etsy.com, asked me what I thought of his teaching and I said I would look into it.  In an easy tidbit, he was an amazing dude that invented the crystal coating you put on chips to make the info able to transfer from one place to another.  He worked for IBM, became rich and famous, and when he retired he began the work on transferring energy and thought with a crystal that he produced that has a twelve sided cut.  These crystals are available at a high price but the manufacture of this type of crystal is available from lapidary artists at etsy.com.  OK, so what do I think?  Fabulous, Namesta, the God in me recognizes the God in You, enough said.

Now to these earrings, A piece of Rock Crystal Quartz on a Argentium Sterling Silver Hand Forged Ear wire is a very good thing to wear.  This is what I said on my website on ETSY:

Clear Rock Crystal faceted 11mm teardrop Crystals adorn Argentium Sterling Silver Modern hypoallergenic Hoops. The wire hammered for strength and shine and fall 1.25″ from your piercing. I love this design and if you haven’t tried it yet I know you will love it too.

This sterling silver is a modern and hypoallergenic choice for most even those who have found that normal sterling makes a black/green/itchy infected mess of their ear lobes. The Argentium Sterling has less copper in the 925 alloy making it less likely to tarnish. You won’t have to use harsh chemicals to clean it, all you need is a little soap and water and a towel down with a soft cloth.  These modern earrings made with a 20  gauge wire which is the average gauge used in America.  In Europe they use 18 gauge and of course I can make that for you too.

So what about these gemstones…According to Vogel information, vogelcrystals.net High Quality Crystals (Optical Quality), Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, and Ametrine  helps transport information from one dimension to another like in Quantum Theory.  I refer to something that I read by, Rumi Da (Ron Carson) and I am only saying, not because I think my earrings will pop you into the fifth dimension but we can ‘Play‘ with gemstones and crystals  intending to become more available to these thoughts.  This awareness and with the  intention to become more aware, and in wearing any crystal (natural or synthetic) you can increase your ability to attract more information toward your-self.  I’m just sayin’…If you want to start somewhere, you can start with me.  I make my gemstone jewelry with the intension to help, protect, heal, and ‘break the torment‘ cycle that you have gotten yourself into.  That’s all I’m sayin’.  No gemstone can do anything with out your permission so what you intend –  that is what will happen.  To speak more on this mater, later…