Tag Archives: God

Rose Quartz Meditations

Open the 4th Chakra with Rose Quartz

Truth is a Single Spirit

A Human can’t hold two truths at the same time.  One truth will out weigh the other truth for some reason and the one truth that fits into the time stream of circumstance will win out as the ruling truth.  Until circumstances change a new truth will not be permitted to be entertained.  We are so busy we hardly take a moment to consider where we are and how we got here.  It is enough to just be here.  That is why I am wondering about how to nudge myself into a comfortable way of looking at my new thought life.

About Life & Death

I had long ago given up Buddha for Jesus.  My truth was based on circumstance, proximity, and social connections.  I am now looking at my 20 years in Christian Dogma and I realize when I left a church I left my reason to hold tightly to a truth based on proximity.  So I understood that.  When I was shunned by my friends for not being in that church I understood they were not able to hold our friendship as truth because their circumstances were still tied to the social gathering at the place called ‘the church’.  I was left with the struggle of spirit and what was my relation to it if I was not tied by proximity or circumstance.  I was left with the freedom to choose the thoughts to embrace by ‘feeling.’

Feelings have proven to be mysterious so they could not be trusted.  

The things (not animated) I am attracted to become interesting on a different level because I was really looking for a way to express my struggle with God (the Spirit) and my physical existence.  This brings me to the Rose Quartz Meditation.

In this meditation I look at a piece of Rose Quartz.  In looking I hold a thought.  Open My Heart.  I want to see what Jesus sees through my eyes.  I want to feel what will draw me closer to God.  I want to see the things God brings me and contemplate my humanness in harmony with spirit.  This is the thought this is the space and this opens a tiny light the color of a watermelon slice.  My eyes close and I see the light is filled with dark spots.  The light becomes normal and the dark becomes a focus.  In focusing on the dark the light surrounds the speck of dark and the dark disappears into the light.  This causes a feeling of movement while sitting still.  The light changes form and I am left open.  I can hold this thought for a short time.  In that time a thought changes.  I can feel it but it isn’t clear.  The effect of creating a space for this to happen is Awareness.  Making a space for this to happen again is Intention.

Is the Rose Quartz doing IT?

No.  What is making the space for the thought is You.  The Gemstone is a focal point with the ability to be partnered with your intentions.  Crystals can hold energy.  Fact dude.  So I am using a stone to solidify (represents) a thought toward a thing.  My meditation is on Spirit.  The spot I think on is John 4:24.  Simple as that my meditation finished I go about my day and the next morning I feel different.  I work it out in my rested hours.  Life is a mystery.  Celebrate Life.

Any Questions?  Any comments?  I will communicate with you.

thanks for being here
