Tag Archives: Moss Agate

Buddha Loves Fishing

I have become weary of all my former fascinators.  I have decided to play in a smaller pond where still water is reflecting the inner me.  Sounds cool.   Think I’ll go fishing.  Hone my angler skills see if I can catch my dinner with enough left over for Buddha.  I renamed the stray cat I called Hobo Kitty last year.  Now he has me walking through deep mud puddles in winter with a tasty morsel for Kitty.  He has become my Buddha.   I made a nest for him in the warehouse but he is distrustful of full time confinement.  I entice him with kitty food from Trader Joe’s.  No he will eat stuff but sleeping over is reserved for his other acolytes.  Ah my fine Kitty.  I feel and obey.  I will fish for you please feel free, as if you need my permission.       


I started to direct my thoughts to sculpture and keeping with the Gemstone Theme I made a Gemstone Fascinator.  This tasty Fishy is called the Warrior Fish.  Made with a face of Moss Agate makes him Fierce in the face of Doubt.  His body is of Rainbow Moonstone embellished with multi colored Moonstone and Swarovski Crystals.  I placed two pieces of Mystic Crystal at his brow so it will aid his sight in the night.  Softness crowns him with Aqua Chalcedony.  His Fins are crafted with strength and Golden Shadow Crystals.  He is a cutie.  Have you ever wanted to just say Hi?  Try me on –>FB<-click here and it will whisk you to my Timeline – I appreciate you being here 🙂  This is another view of the Warrior Fish,




Warrior Fish

Flies 4″X3″ which includes a hand fashioned solid copper hook.  I made him swivel by hanging from a brass Fishing Thingy.  The Face is a top drilled Moss Agate 22mm the Body is a cluster of 9mm faceted Rainbow Moonstones Ovals, a 10mm heart shaped Rainbow Moonstone and 6&4mm rounds of smooth Moonstones.  There are Swarovski Crystals in shades of yellow Topaz and Golden Shadow.  A fun piece for your Medicine bag or to fly where you might need the ability to see to battle the fears of the night.  Sounds Cool and it is Fascinating to watch 🙂  I haven’t decided if I want to put him on my jewelry site on ETSY or make another spot to sell these FabCool Spirit dolls.  More later –

glad you are here



Warrior Stone  by WETCLOUD

Moss Agate: The Warrior Stone

My Spiritual Warrior Stone: Moss Agate

Warrior Stone , a photo by WETCLOUD on Flickr.

Are You Obsessing?

Obsessed with a particular behavior?   Is It Healthy?  Why are You Attracted?   Why the interest Now?  These are questions you are asking about something that has caught your attention.


It is about the time and the times of your life. Stages are like doors they open we go through with some trepidations but we go through the doorway. On the other side we discover new things and we busy ourselves liking them or not.

Moss Agate: Warrior Stone

Carry It With You

My Medicine Bag

This is a Medicine bag with a Moss Agate. I call it my Warrior Stone.  When faced with a new project or a sadness in life I gather my bag and look for this stone.  It reminds me when I wear it or hold it in my hand to

Look for the Mystery and Find the Adventure

This bag is under $10 the Moss Agate Gemstone Pendant is Niobium wrapped with a Big Bale to fit over most clasps and is available at my ETSY Web Store.   If You want to Own This check out my web store –>X<—Click Here  If It isn’t there check Here–>X<–this is my Facebook Timeline (I’m liking it there) and comment on any ‘ol thing I posted and Let’s Talk  

Thanks 4 Being Here 🙂


Choosing Your Gemstone

What You Look At Changes You

How do you know what mineral or gemstone is good for you and which one do you buy?   If you are asking that question I guarantee it will take you on an interesting quest.  First, don’t be afraid to make a choice.  You are extremely wise and intuitive, remember, you are a replica of the Creative Force That Designed the Universe.  You are the You-Niverse.  Be aware of the superstitions and ‘rules’ you have been taught and go beyond what others say is your Birthstone.  You will be attracted to the stone you are in need of.  Just like if you taste something you can tell if you want to eat it.  Look at the gemstone and see if it is pulling you toward it.  Don’t limit yourself.  There is a message in every stone, a certain vibration, a correlation between the gemstone, the planets, and you.

Moss Agate The Warrior Stone

Start looking for your stone in a Jewelry Store.  What is attractive to you.  Ask to hold it.  See how much it is.  Now just walk away from it.  Do you think about it.  Is it calling you.  Now, look for that stone in a lapidary store.  The uncut rough  is less expensive and it is just as powerful as the faceted ones in the jewelry store.  Your Gemstone will be affordable and will not be a burden for you financially.  All things will be perfect and feel right to you.   A Picture of a crystal or gemstone is as powerful as the stone sometimes.   I have seen pictures of Vogel Crystals that have such a high vibrational pull that I go into deep meditation by just looking at the computer screen.  After you have investigated the crystals or gemstones buy it and take it home.

Bloodstone on an Amethyst

Clean Your Gemstone

There is no One Way to clear, or cleanse your gemstone.  Consider how many people have handled this stone before you bought it.  No telling but it will have been a lot.  So, you can put it under running water and then air dry it outside for 24 hours.  You can bury it in the ground for a day or two.  You can put it salt water (my favorite) then air dry it in the sun or in the moonlight.  These are my suggestions if you have a way you do it let me know!  All crystals are born in water and buried in the earth, so by giving it a bath and isolating it in the darkness of the soil you are rejuvenating it, sort of like a shower is to us each day.  After the clearing of the stone, you are ready to imprint the gemstone with your thoughts.

Goddess Stone of Blue Chalcedony

Now take the cleansed gemstone in your hand and look at it.  I am going to say meditate but I don’t mean, transcendental meditation where you forget where you are and you go traveling someplace else.  I mean, look at your crystal and feel yourself inside the gemstone.  Do you feel something?  This is you feeling the vibrational pull of the elements of the Earth and the pull of the universe toward you.  As you look at the gemstone the vibrational formation of the crystal structure in the stone will become imbued with your intentional thoughts.  Now you can use this gemstone to help you navigate through your day.  It can also help you during your dreams.  No telling what you and your gemstone will be able to do.

The crystal being yours is a powerful tool for  your intentions toward yourself and others. This gemstone and you will work together.  Now it will be very interesting for you to find out the history and the meaning of the stone. You already know in a super-subconscious way what the stone means to you.  But for the conscious level this is a good time to find the meaning or the history of this gemstone.

Let me know about your travels in gemstones.  Love to hear from you.  We are all learning and I am wanting to hear more on this subject.  You are welcome to find gemstone jewelry in my store on ETSY.   Here is the link:  looksgoodonya.etsy.com