Tag Archives: compassion

Enlightened Today Asshole Tomorrow

En-Lighten Up Baby

 Wearing  Bloodstone I feel connected to my body and I feel the Energy of the Earth.  

Stone of Courage

 Bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope, is an intense healing stone working the 1st -4th Chakras,  aligning these energy fields producing a harmony vibration  that renews your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  This is the inherent strength of the gemstone.  When I wear this stone I feel an unction toward unselfishness and this helps me make decisions that are good for all concerned.  A Big Plus:  Wearing Bloodstone helps cut through obscure thought so I can write in the physical about this gemstone that speaks of the spiritual realm.

Bloodstone with Argentium Sterling Earrings

 When I meditate, or pray,  while wearing this stone I open avenues to this realm and I receive messages that I interpret as  practical intuition.  This gentle energy helps me turn my understanding into wisdom.  Wisdom to know what I can  change now and what is left for another time.  Example:  This gemstone helps to remove toxins from my body.  One day I am actively working to rid toxins the next day I am loading up on pepperoni Pizza swilling it all down with an Ice Cold Beer.  Seems like I am living a duel existence.  I am.  Being pulled isn’t comfortable.

Wear Bloodstone on Your Left Wrist

Bloodstone Energy whispers patience.  Be compassionate toward myself.   Give myself the kindness I offer others.  Helps me recognise the turmoil as I race toward perfection.  David Pond said in, Chakras For Beginners, “enlightened today, asshole tomorrow”.  It is the way it is.  This is the language of Honor.  To live this life is an honor and privilege. Sitting on the platform where you deliver the ‘should’ and ‘should not’  to others and toward yourself makes you feel unhappy.  This dis-empowers you.  When you touch the Bloodstone you will remember to keep this in mind when you, or others, are only being human.

Courage to Understand

 Enlighten Up, baby.   Pettiness, anger, neurotic  patterns, harsh words and judgments are not ‘off the path’ they are simply part of it. Our path takes spiritual courage.  What is the life of a sojourner?  What looks like a rock maybe a gemstone.  Pick It Up.  Embrace the journey.  Take help where you can Receive it.  Truth is all around you.  Deep is calling to the Deep within You.  Gemstones  have energy.  They are here to help.  You’ll feel the difference when you let them.  Just knowing your current issues are your souls growth and discerning whether to tame or utterly destroy these issues puts it in the right perspective.   Ahhh!  Perspective.

I will urge you to go to my web store at looksgoodonya.etsy.com where you might find some gemstone jewelry that is calling you.

Thank you for being here.   I appreciate ya.
